Updates in August 2016 We keep tuning and updating Browshot every week but we typically announce only the big changes. We'll try to keep you up to date on the smaller improvements we have made. Here are some of the updates we deployed in August:

Internet Explorer settings

We've relaxed the security settings for Internet Explorer 11, 10 and 9. The previous settings were stricter than the typically user settings, resulting in some pages to not being displayed correctly.

Custom headers for S3

You can now specify any custom header to screenshots uploaded to S3, such as the Cache-Control. use the new hosting_headers (screenshot/create) and headers (screenshot/host) options from the API.

Chrome 51

We've made a number of improvements to the new Chrome 51 browser. The beta period has been taking longer than expected. We now plan to move it as the only Chrome version around September 15th.

Form authentication

This is not a new feature but a demonstration of the power of the Browshot service. Recently, one of our customers wanted to take a screenshot of a page behind a login and password. Because this login page uses CSRF protection, a simple POST request could not work. The solution was to inject a Javascript that fills out the form and submit it. Simple and powerful!

Other bug fixes and improvements

Batch: a batch in finished state did not always have a list of URLs to download the archive.

Batch: handle non-ASCII URLs (accents, UTF-8, etc.).

Full page screenshots: a longer delay value will help with lazy-loading of images and Google Map by scrolling the page up and down more slowly.

Full page screenshots: force lazy-loading of images.

Firefox: better isolation between concurrent screenshots, especially cookies.

Notifications: send a reminder one week before the automated payment for monthly subscriptions (special projects, private instances, private servers).